Today, four years ago, on the Rocky Point, at Balmoral Beach, the sailor and I tied the knot.
The Storey..........
Scene One.
International yacht regatta in the Whitsunday Islands north Queensland. Skippers dinner at the Yacht Club. Kiwi Sailor eyes Aussie lady sailor, but she is with another man (not in a relationship). Kiwi Sailor infiltrates Aussie camp to find out who the lady sailor is and if she is with the other man (he finds out she's not). Aussie Lady sailor doesn't notice Kiwi sailor, but chats to his crew (she didn't know it was a set up, to interrogate her).
Scene Two (
The first race)
First race and Kiwi skipper clashes with Aussie lady skipper on the start line, their eyes lock. Kiwi skipper has stars in his eyes, Aussie lady skipper sees red and pulls the protest flag. Harsh words are exchanged. It is evident that this Kiwi team and Aussie team will battle it out for the trophy.
Scene Three
(The meeting)
The kiwi stalks the Aussie Lady skipper at the race after events. She is far too focused on the regatta to notice him........but her crew does! The night before the lay day, Aussie skipper, decides to hit the town and dresses up all girly. The Kiwi spots her waiting for a cab, retraces his steps and just as she is getting into the cab the Kiwi sailor jumps in.........
Scene Four (T
he walk of shame)
..................Well it didn't get off to a great start, but the Kiwi was very persistent, even when the Lady skipper sat down at the table with her friends, he sat opposite her and kept smiling at her.......he finally joined the party and as they say in the classics 'It was love at first sight' enough love going on there for the Lady Skip to wander down to the Kiwi boat and drink until dawn with his crew. Big mistake as we were fiercely in battle for the first place and bigger than that Aussie Lady had to walk all the way down the dock in the clear light of morning not dressed in her crew uniform.
Scene Five
(the truth is revealed)
Aussie Lady skipper takes out the first place, she is secretly more happy that she has met the Kiwi. Kiwi is sulking happily, he is quite content to give up the trophy for the love of his life? (his crew are really peeved). All is well in love land. Well all not that well as the sailor lives over the ditch and he has a few things he has to go back and sort before the real romance can begin.
Months pass
Scene Six
The lady Skipper has just finished her very smart renovation of an inner city semi. She receives an email, just a short one telling her, he's pretty much sorted and will be arriving on Friday evening, just like that with only two days notice (he really didn't want to give her time to change her mind) she rushes around and puts the final touches to the semi. Friday evening with the hall gently lit with tea candles, a bottle of the french in the wine bucket, she nervously awaits his arrival.
I can't really tell you what happened that night because they locked the door and turned down the lights....but I can tell you that they lived happily ever after.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself, to make sure I'm not off in dream land. I love to tell people that I am the happiest gal around town. In the middle of my life, so expectantly the love of my love barged right on in and since then, wow! we just have not stopped.
I wanted to share this with you today, and I know that all of our seven daughters will be waiting for this post. So here you go girls, just a few picks of sailor (he won't see them), that describe the wonderful Kiwi bloke he is.
Hamming it up.
He loves a cool bandana.
He always wanted to be a cowboy.
He can be silly too.
Getting stalked by Sherlock Holmes
Loving his poodle
Fantastic sailor
Door scraper
Old fart sufie
Happy on the water
Never gets bored at airports.
Patient when shopping
Finder of great restaurants whilst in Paris
Loving Pappa
Ace fisherman
Will move heaven and earth
Discerning shopper whilst drinking
great travel companion
Fantastic at waiting for babies to be born
Picking wind shifts
Gracious winner!