Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mother and Daughter Moments #11

The best ever I have been in my life is a mother.  I was blessed with this gift from my mother.  

The years fly by and you are so busy taking pictures of your children you don't stop to give somebody the camera and say " please take one of us".

Gladly I may say! Oh how my hair has changed colour and style so many times (it's embarressing)  and that and that and that,  but these are the real images that capture a moment, a moment of fun, sadness, silliness and love.

My beautiful mother Liz, she laughed she loved, sadly she left us too soon. 

Sunglass off with Alexandra.

Girls' lunch a the Tilbury Hotel
Alexandra, Lauren, me and Peta.

Boxing Day Sydney Harbour, Lauren

These are not my shorts

How far back to the boat? 

Let's just rest here awhile

Gosh, that was a long walk. Waiheki Island NZ

More walking Waiheki Island NZ

 Lauren's Grad. Lauren me, Alexandra and Peta

What was with my hair ?

 Peta, my first little mother.

Siesta in the Hammock

Peta's Grad.  What was I thinking with that dress and that hair?

Thank you for sharing some very special mother daughter memories with me.  Next time you are with your daughter grab a hug and have someone take a picture to last a lifetime.


  1. What gorgeous pictures. I'm seeing my mother next week and can't wait. I'll make sure to get some pictures of the two of us!

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