Yeahhhh! I can see the sun today. You wouldn't think that just two days ago here in Sydney it was blowing a gale and raining cats and dogs, and you wouldn't believe that I had planned a spring garden lunch for my family and friends on Sunday. I ask myself why! The answer being that on returning home from Europe to find my garden had transformed itself into a picturesque flowering haven, the rose trees abundant with crisp white buds and the sweet peas amass with colour. I pictured the tables and chairs amidst this beautiful green backdrop.
Don't stop there. I unearthed lots of discarded fabrics and even bought more fabric from Ikea. (a great place to buy colourful sturdy fabrics for projects) I sat up late into the night making metres and metres of bunting. The sailor kept mentioning something about the weather changing. I refused to listen. I just made more bunting.
Tuesday I ordered lots of beautiful white chairs and white table cloths from the party hire company......
Sailor mentioned to me again about the weather....
Wednesday I did the blackboard menu...
Thursday I took the crazy poodles to the dog groomers, want to see lovely dogs running around the back garden for extra ambiance.
Sailor sat me down and showed me the weather forecast...........
Saturday I went to Rozelle Markets and bought lots of yummy food to prepare and lots of potted flowers to plant along the garden edge.
Sunday morning I knew he was right........
There was only one solution.
Colourful paper decorations added a delightful touch to the chandelier
I planted the flowers in cut off brown paper bags.
The teatowel napkins would have worked better on the white chairs
I must admit the torrid weather didn't dampen this happy boys day....
Is that a halo I see resting above Rowan's head.....He is an angel!